Piper Broadbent
 Piper was a competitive gymnast and a multi-sport athlete but when she started playing volleyball in Grade 6 it instantly became her absolute favorite sport. Piper has played volleyball for 8 years including 6 years of Club. In this time, she held leadership roles on many teams including Captain of Leduc Composite High School senior team in 2022-23.
Piper’s favorite memories as a player were winning back-to-back Nationals Championships in 2022 and 2023 and winning silver in 2022 Provincials. Since day one, Piper has been an outside hitter. Hitting is Piper’s favorite part of volleyball but she also proved to be a very reliable passer and server. Her recent playing experience will be an exceptional asset to the coaching staff.
Piper plans to continue playing but is also eager to begin her volleyball coaching career using transferrable skills she learned as a gymnastics coach. She is most excited to build relationships with her athletes and to help them improve and learn new skills, achieve personal goals, and build bonds among teammates toward common goals. Piper currently works at Leduc Golf Course and Leduc Physiotherapy and is in her final year at Vicars School of Massage Therapy in Edmonton.